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Monday, April 25, 2011

Road Trip

This year was my first Easter away from my parents, so to make up for lost time (and avoid a guilt trip) I decided to drive down to south Florida today. I planned on leaving no later than 7 am, those of you who know me, know that this did not happen. Apparently I didn't actually set the alarm, and although I had very good intentions of packing last night, the Amazing Race and Extreme Couponing completely stole my attention. Speaking of which, I actually think James and I could win the Amazing Race...another blog for another time. Anyways so I woke up at 6:41 to a tap on the shoulder and a little voice, " said you wanted to wake up early". I may have wanted to...James however did not plan on waking up early. "BROOKE DON'T WAKE US UP IN THE MORNING" OK so if I wasn't woken up by the tap, I was now awake by the firm manly voice.

We got out the door by about 8:45, my best time yet. This trip was also one of the smoothest. Veronica only took her seat belt off 3 times, Lip gloss was only used on body parts not car parts, 1 bottle of water was semi-shared semi-nicely between all 5 children which then avoided having to make any potty stops, and Jacob only let out blood curdling screams for the last 20 minutes. Maybe a loss for some but a huge win for me.

We arrived at my mom's by 12:30 and were greeted with a pleasant surprise. My mom walked us to the back patio which was set up with tables, flowers and tea cups. My tea cups, that I had collected since I was a little girl. She had fancy hats and rings for the girls as well. She had spent the night before baking scones, making cucumber sandwiches and hand dipping strawberries in chocolate. We all sat down, two to a table, legs crossed, having our very own tea party. It was perfect and if you read my previous post, this is what I mean by my mother being amazing. I don't know who appreciated the tea party more, me or the girls. Either way today was a memory made.

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